By Meng-lin (Benny) Hsieh, M.Ed., Counseling Psychologist in Taiwan
Relationships and More
As an international student, perhaps studying abroad might not struggle to make ends meet. However, only if you have experienced it yourself, can you understand how pressure other than money affects your physical and mental condition.
Learning to Hope
We learn how to be hopeful through our experiences growing up. It is possible to lose hope along the way, but we can also learn to hope again. It involves the process of making space to be able to hear the soft but steady song of hope, which exists within each of us, even in the darkest of times.
Being Real About Being An Expat
If you're an expat and all you see online about what it's like to live in another country are the insta-filtered versions of events, well, I'm here to tell you: I see you. It's okay to be not okay. Instead of trying to avoid these negative feelings, lean into them, hear what they're trying to tell you.
The 4 C’s of a Healthy Relationship
If you were to ask someone what are some healthy relationship characteristics, they might say trust, honesty, respect, affection, partnership... the list goes on and on. All those are important and can help foster a healthy relationship, but what I want to propose here are four fundamental characteristics on which relational health can be built on....
Cross Cultural Relationships face unique challenges. Therapy can help.
Let's take a look at some of the unique advantages of cross cultural relationships, and next week we'll look at how relationship counseling may be able to assist in harnessing those strengths.
What are some challenges and unique strengths that people in cross cultural relationships possess? In the next few weeks, we will be releasing a series of articles that explore these very questions.
What Are Counseling and Psychotherapy?
My clients often ask me how much it actually helps to talk about and vent their feelings, and say that their bad feelings remain even after a few sessions. So, what exactly is the point of paying a professional to listen to their problems?
How Does Counseling and Psychotherapy Work?
As mental health professionals, we take into account a person's bio-psycho-social factors, genetic makeup, and life experiences. We use the information provided by clients to understand how they develop their worldview, habitual thought patterns, coping mechanisms, as well as underlying sense of self, others, and the world in general. We aim to...